Thursday, September 17, 2009

Melrose Jewelers: Jane Fonda And Rolex Cellini Cellissima; Everlasting Beauties

If beauty were a light in the heart then Jane Fonda has never let that light dim into a shadow. The light might have flickered as days passed but it never perished into complete darkness but only resurged with brighter hope. The Rolex hallmark is associated with a beauty in its watches that has years of meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail gone into each feature that is represented in the watch. The Cellini Cellissima collection has gained instant popularity with Rolex clients from the day it has been launched. The Cellissima is a timeless beauty that doubles up as a delicate piece of jewelry that ornaments any wrist it wraps. Jane Fonda like the Cellissima is known not as a beauty that has never known age, but one that has won age over and done it most gracefully. She is as stunning as ever and gives the passage [...] Read More at Melrose Jewelers

- Written by John Lavit

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